
on the lift中文是什么意思

  • 虚弱地



  • 例句与用法
  • Braille & tactile markings on the lift control panel
  • Helen ( h ) meets mr . smith ( s ) on the lift
  • Please get on the lift ( elevator )
  • Hang door sheet and install the localization screw on the lifting wheel
  • The integer wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme for the medical picture compression is discussed in this paper . firstly , the lifting scheme is adopted to realize the integer wavelet transform and reduce the operation complexity greatly
  • I would like to thank the honourable raymond ho chung - tai , the chairman of the bills committee , and members of the committee for their close examination and their valuable advice on the lifts and escalators safety amendment bill 1998
  • After research of the jpeg2000 standard and the theory of wavelet transform , an efficient vlsi architecture based on the lifting scheme of two - dimensional discrete wavelet transform is proposed and illustrated in detail for the 9 / 7 wavelet transform
    本文在深入研究jpeg2000标准和小波变换理论的基础上,以9 / 7滤波器为例设计了一个基于提升算法的二维离散小波变换高效vlsi实现结构。
  • ( 2 ) a new texture classification algorithm based - on the lifting wavelet transform in suggested utilizing wavelets " perfect performance in spatial - frequency localization and the lifting wavelets " in - place operations . it computes the entropy values of the sub - frequency images disposed by the two - layers " lifting wavelet transform , and has merits of low feature dimensions , low computational cost and good capability
  • This paper mainly studied on the theory of wavelet transform based on the lifting schemethe , and proposed the double adaptive wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme for the application in the fields of the signals and image . at the same time , its application in jpeg2000 were researched
  • This paper present an ideal and calculation method of the effective operating curve where cavitations characteristic is not change . based on the lifting - line and lifting - surface method , using effective operating curve to control the cavitation type and " new section " design method to extend the width of cavitation bucket . the width will almost increase 30 % than the common section
  • 其他语种释义
  • on the liftとは意味:〈米方言〉(病気{びょうき}などで)ひどく衰弱{すいじゃく}して
  • 推荐英语阅读
on the lift的中文翻译,on the lift是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译on the lift,on the lift的中文意思,on the lift的中文on the lift in Chineseon the lift的中文on the lift怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
